
In constructing and managing client-specific portfolios, Concorde utilizes a strict process grounded in time-tested investment principles. It begins with an in depth discussion of each client’s long-term goals followed by a thorough assessment of their current financial circumstances and portfolio allocation.  This process seeks to discover any gaps that exist in the utilization of assets towards the client’s stated goals and then identify appropriate investment solutions that will close them.  The end product of this part of the process is an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that governs the construction of the portfolio and all subsequent investment decisions.  

Although each situation is unique, Concorde applies a structured investment framework around the common purpose of achieving appropriate returns within some context of preservation of capital. Each client’s circumstances will determine what returns are appropriate and how their context of capital preservation will be defined. From that, Concorde constructs a portfolio comprised of three basic asset categories - Growth, Income, and Defensive – arranged according to each client’s IPS. 

Together we review your IPS regularly to consider adjustments to your asset mix based on your changing circumstances and account for changing market and macro-economic conditions. The combination of client-specific Investment Policy and Concorde-governed allocation among appropriate asset categories offers our clients a tailored structure for capturing the best opportunities available under any market condition.